Bible Study
Join us Tuesdays mornings for a time of music from 10:45 – 11:00 followed by our Bible study from 11:00 – Noon.
Get Involved
Our men's group has pressed pause on their monthly breakfasts. Interested in leading a men's group, please contact Pastor Mary.
We have a women's group that is a chapter of United Women in Faith (formerly United Methodist Women).
United Women in Faith
Currently our group is meeting on a monthly basis for mutual support and to be a blessing to our Church, our community, and the world. For more information contact Rosie Kumar, our UWiF President,
Quilt Club
On Mondays from 11am - 12:30pm a group of mostly women gather to do handiwork and bless blankets and quilts to give to those who are struggling. Even if you don't "quilt" you are welcome to come and enjoy the spirit of love and caring that fills the room. We meet upstairs in the Sanctuary building.
If YOU have a particular interest and would like to gather others into a group at Church to pursue that interest -- or if you would like your support group to meet in our upstairs classroom -- please let Pastor Mary know!
Email Pastor Mary
Support & Groups
Galt UMC hosts six Twelve Step groups, including Alcoholics Anonymous, Narcotics Anonymous, and NarAnon.
Support & Groups
For details about meeting times, please contact our Galt UMC Outreach Chair Faye Gaines.
Care & Support
Pastor Mary is available for support and counsel during times of emotional hardship, spiritual turmoil, or relationship challenges. The Galt UMC Church family will pray for you and encourage you during times of sickness or grief.
The vows that are taken by our congregation when a person becomes a member include: "We will do all in our power to increase your faith, confirm your hope, and perfect you in love." The people of Galt UMC take these vows to heart and will help lighten your heavy loads as they share in your joys and sorrows.
Learn More
Book Club
This fall we are reading "Separated by the Border: A Birth Mother, A Foster Mother, and a Migrant Child's 3000-mile Journey" by Gena Thomas. We have an in person and a ZOOM Book Club for Women.
Book Club
This past spring our group read "All That She Carried: The Journey of Ashley's Sack, A Black Family Keepsake" by Tiya Miles. To be included in the information about the upcoming Book Club contact Pastor Mary.
Email Pastor Mary